Jao Japitana

First Launch Day Tip#1: Be ready for staying up for 25 hours

The team and I wanted to make sure that our very first PH Launch Day went well. So we decided to stay up for 25 hours not 24. We allotted 30 minutes before and after the launch day. Reasons: - Monitor the ranking - Respond to comments - Send reminders to those who got notified - Send reminders to our community friends and followers in different platforms - Respond to our website live chat for those signing up from PH - Make sure that troubleshooting developers are available if ever glitches occur It was all worth staying up for 25 hours for it as we did reach the goal of getting the #1 spot. But of course it is a team effort and the team was really amazing. So you could follow what we did or you could just let your launch do its own thing. But if you will be following the 25-hour pattern, make sure to: - Have enough sleep the day before - Have enough coffee and munchies to keep you going through-out the day - Keep tabs on your teammates (check if they are doing ok and give each other time to get breaks)

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Franklyn Pereira
Great read and insight. The results speak for itself. Thanks for sharing Jao.
Coffee and Sugar Free Red Bull are essential 😊😁, but also a good amount of water because they will dehydrate you which makes anyone exhausted. Congrats on the Launch again! Excellent tips for anyone!
André J
The adrenalin will take you through 48h easy ✨