
Does your company support remote culture? Share your company in comments.

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Jahnmary Diaz
Yes, Symlab is a 100% remote company and we are all over latin america.
Jahnmary Diaz
@busmark_w_nika This is our web our founders are in Chile one is from Chile, one from Venezuela and the entire staff are divided in Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, México and Argentina. :-D
Jahnmary Diaz
@busmark_w_nika Yes, we are always open to expand, but is not up to me (Im on marketing) and everything depends if we have enough projects to hire more people.
Yes to a point, when it comes to research and fellowships, they fully support it and I am always jealous of those who land great fellowships where they get to travel and do their own research while away from the University. However, while not working on research or some sort of academic fellowship, remote is supported only when a good enough reason can be offered and verified.
@busmark_w_nika Yes sometimes, but not that often. However, most of my main dissertation research will be done in Rome and Germany (hopefully the end of next year). And sometimes for certain directed research the department might have a joint project with a foreign university or historical organization.
@busmark_w_nika It will be researching early Judeo-Christian Symbology, Writings, and Rituals during the 2nd to 5th century CE. I always have been fascinated how the Roman Empire declined but also transformed and adapted into the early Church and I just love learning about early time periods and then still finding elements of them in the modern world.
@busmark_w_nika Yes, old churches are amazing, there is actually one in Slovakia on my list for research, its called Kostol Zvestovania Pana, which probably isn't spelled correctly, but it's one of the oldest churches in area there!
@busmark_w_nika Wow, yes, its gorgeous! Old castles and basilicas have always been so fascinating to me. I could spend days visiting and touring them.😊😁
Shikha Singh
@Nika: We at Ayraa are fully remote and this is one of the companies where I feel fully connected and valued.
@shikha_singh15 really glad that there are companies like this and people who feel this way. a lot of propaganda going against WFH these days.
Nico Spijker -- Fully remote, asynchronous team! We minimize meetings as much as possible, which is quite nice as I end up with 3/4 meetings per week.
Nico Spijker
@busmark_w_nika Travelled as a nomad for 2 years so got to meet quite a few team members through that. 👀 We're very global but small so no retreats just yet but they're on the horizon once the team expands a bit.
Daniel Mark Wilkerson
Hi @busmark_w_nika Our company support to remote culture but it is average in quality, rather than being very good or very bad.
Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
We are fully remote, and most of us travel a lot. It often feels like we are the place where digital nomadism meets startup culture.
Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
@busmark_w_nika, we are an early - stage startup, which started as a remote team. We didn't have such problems, when people have to get used to new conditions, because all of us are prefer to work remotely and we don't need to be physically in the place to connect emotionally with each other and our product. But when I worked for a corporation, we experienced some problems with this. The only way for us to solve it was to offer a hybrid schedule. Because we understood that for some people to be at least once a week physically in the office and connect with others offline is necessary to build the emotional connection to the work, and that influences the ethics a lot.
Daniel Burns
We have a hybrid approach at TESTIFI ( and offer flexible working hours to help employees maintain a better work-life balance. Most recently we've implemented a 4-day work week which everyone loves and seems to be satisfied with based on a survey we did.
Daniel Burns
@busmark_w_nika We have 2 offices. In one of them the employees choose the office day, which is usually every or every other week, while in the main office employees can choose if they want to come. However, we like to have team building sessions or 'office-parties' every 3 months or so.
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Tatiana Vdovychenko
I'm Tatiana, a marketer at JetSoftPro, a software development service. Our company operates fully remotely, but we do have physical offices available for employees who prefer working from them either permanently or occasionally.
Adrian Cabrera
Yes! Talents not being limited to accessibility of the office has been a game changer!
Florian Jacques
For sure they do and support also all remote workers via our platform made for them!! Our company is named MIDSTAY and exists for this future of working :-)
Ahmed Abdelraouf
Yes, we are a hybrid company. It helps attract talent! Yet, we have a regular 'mandatory' in-office routine.
michael askew
Hello, i am from I am covering the whole Restaurant of Singapore with Menu and Prices.
Andrey Severin
We love this approach at because it allows us to be flexible and highly effective, while ensuring our team doesn't burn out.
Sherry L
Unfortunately not but hopefully they will be open to it in the future!
Tyler Loyd
Bharat Verma
I'm Working with as a Social Media Manger. and my company provide the fully remote culture. I'm happy to be a part of this company. The Team Members & Every Senior Employee all are very helpful and very kind to us.
Felya Bilgen
yes we're all in on remote work it is fun and valuable! 🌟✨our remote culture is built on trust and open communication. here's our company page on Product Hunt:
Yes, we do! We were reluctant at first, probably simply because we were used to working from the office for years. But then, after covid - which forced us to test remote working - we decided to create a very flexible policy: everyone is free to do what they want. Of course, we try and tempt our employees with lots of nice food and coffee at the office, but they have total freedom. Also, a few months ago, we hired our first full-remote employee from abroad! A nice milestone for xtream :)