
Does the time of posting the PH forums matter?

Since discussions have been transformed into forums, we can see a significant reduction in the number of discussions and their categories. It is easier to be seen and they are better moderated.

So does it depend on what time I publish the discussion?

It depends.

  • If your goal is to promote a product (p/self-promotion), it makes sense to have some kind of schedule, e.g. the launch is at 9.00 AM CET, so I will publish the discussion at 7 or 8 AM CET.

Discussions have 4 filters:

– Trending (which is default)

– Popular

– Featured

– New

I usually filter by New = it is in chronological order.

However, I assume that most people work with Trending (default), so they see discussions that have the most activity and are currently hot topics.

  • Therefore, from this point of view, it is not so much about the time of publication as about the quality and importance of the topic being discussed.

I'd love to hear your approach when posting/planning PH discussions.

+ If the PH team wants to clarify how these forums (filters) work, we'd certainly be happy to know more about the system. :)

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Timing helps, but engagement is what really pushes a post to the top. You could post at the ‘perfect’ time, but if no one interacts, it won’t matter.

A solid strategy:

  1. Post when your audience is active (early morning CET if targeting EU, later for the US).

  2. Have a few people ready to engage early—comments, upvotes, replies keep it trending.

  3. Pick a discussion people actually care about (hot takes > generic startup advice).

We’ve been testing different engagement strategies ahead of our Feb 17th launch for HelixWould love your thoughts—just visit my page and click ‘Try Helix for FREE’!

Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!

I second you! Quality > Quantity.

  • Popular — Threads that are most upvoted sorted by day, week, month, year, all-time.

  • New — Sorted by the most recent posts.

  • Featured — Posts labeled 'Featured'. Marked by PH mods.

  • Trending — Most engaged / most viewed recently.


@rohanrecommends Do you know something more about AMA? – this is a special section.

James Cooper

As someone who visits PH every day, I prefer to filter by ‘New’ to see what new shares and questions others have.


@focusaur 🤝 Since there are less discussions, it is easier to go through them all :)

Konrad S.

About how long does the approval take currently? Or are your post approved immediately?

(For the discussions I posted some months ago, I often had to wait many hours until they appeared in the list, even if I contacted the PH team.)


Honestly, I do not know whether it is a manual approving process but sometimes it also takes a few hours. It happened to me 3 days before.

Blakely Guzman

I usually post when I think my target audience is online, but I haven’t paid much attention to how the filters might affect visibility.