Daniyar Yeskaliyev

Do you want a video review of your product? Send me your product and I'll record my review

Hey PH! There are hundreds of startup product owners here, and every product owner loves honest User Reactions to their products. Especially from first-time users who haven't seen your UI yet and are unbiased. Last week I've made my first 2 reactions to new PH Launches - Fillout dot com and Mini-Course - and and product makers loved it! This week I'm going to do at least 10 video reviews, so if you want your product to get a video review that you can use for marketing purposes or get user's reaction to improve UX/UI, feel free to put a link or name of product in the comments. Please upvote and comment this discussion, so that other Hunters and Makers see this thread. If you like the idea, please invite to this discussion your peers who would love a free video review. I'm doing it for testing purposes anyways, so I thought that might as well benefit the community here on PH

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Jack Winston
Are you going to post these reviews somewhere?
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@jack_winston2 hi Jack, I can only publicly post reviews that makers agree to share. In my opinion, because it's an honest reaction to the product, and sometimes I catch bugs - some makers will prefer to fix their bugs first before sharing it with the broader audience. That's why I ask for direct contacts and send links to the video to the maker who asked a review from me. You can check this discussion and find people who I already send it - you'll see my comments. You can ask them directly here in comments, and they might share it with. I give my permission to the makers to share the review freely with anyone - for marketing, UX/UI or any other purposes. But I don't feel like I can share a review without their permission. I mean, technically I can, but knowing that most of them are at the super early stage, I understand that there might be some improvements down the road and they might not want to promote it as is.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@jack_winston2 and for makers that give permission to share, I'm definitely going to collect the videos and maybe right a quick post here on PH with the link to the sample reviews :)
Satish Kumar Veluri
Hi Daniyar, cool initiative. Check us out at https://aasaan.app/. I'll be glad to hear back from you. The product is constantly evolving and I believe your inputs can add value in that path. Hoping you like what you see. :)
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@satish_kumar_veluri hi - review to aasaan app is ready! I loved this website builder + shop management system. There were a few parts where I was confused at first, but I was able to understand everything and I see a lot of potential in this app! Please send me the right email to send you the review, I can't post many links here - email or any other place where I can send it to you will work
Satish Kumar Veluri
@dan_yes Thanks for taking the time to review and glad that you loved it. Please send the review to satishv@lightbooks.io. :-)
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@satish_kumar_veluri hi Satish, thanks for the contact info - I've sent you my review. If you want to add your credentials to the video itself, or say hi by your team, just sign in to app.castofly.com using your email - and I'll invite you to that video project and you can add your part. And let me know if something doesn't work on your end!
Satish Kumar Veluri
@dan_yes Hi Daniyar, Thanks again for the review. I have signed up at Castofly. I would love the idea to add our end note for the review. Let me know when we can do that. Cheers
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@satish_kumar_veluri I've added you to the video project, you should have received an email. You can add your endorsement to the same video by adding slides (left bottom part of the project).
Gaurav verma
If you get time https://www.substor.com/ I'm planning to revamp the UI, I'll love to have your feedback on the current one so that I can use it in revamping it.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@gaurav_verma10 Gaurav, thank you for your product! I've recorded 17 minutes of my video reaction - it has some questions about the UI/UX parts that obviously need improving, but as you said - you're planning to do it soon. So I hope my review helps. Please send me your contact email where I can send you the link to the video. And I can invite you to actually collaborate with me in my video review if you sign up with the same email at app.castofly.com In the end, it can look like a live interview session: Me: give video feedback and react to the UI, report bugs You: add your video of fixing and after fixing the bugs :)
Gaurav verma
@dan_yes where to send the email?
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@gaurav_verma10 you can add me on LinkedIn (link in the profile) or email at yeskaliyevdan19@gmail.com
Gaurav verma
@dan_yes When can I expect the link?
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@gaurav_verma10 check you email, sent the video and invited you to the project so that you can add your parts in the same video :)
Chetan Natesh
Hello Dan, This is brilliant idea! This is my site https://rozmer.co.in/
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@chetan_natesh hello Chetan - my video review for 13 minutes is ready! Please give me your contacts where I can send you a link. P.S. I left comments in the video for both the business model and the landing page, and left some place for you to record you responses if you wish - it's simple and I've explained in the video how you can collaborate on the same castofly video project with me.
Chetan Natesh
That is great Dan! Thank you!My email is nateshchetan@gmail.com
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@chetan_natesh sent the video to that email, and also used the same email to invite you to edit the same video project with me (or just add your parts). So make sure that you are logged in on Castofly using the same email address :)
Chetan Natesh
Daniyar, thank you so much for these efforts. I am grateful for the genuine feedback you have provided. I will make the changes I need , thanks. I have also registered to Castofly (can't wait to use it!) I think you will be sending me a link on 15th right, I have got the notifications?
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@chetan_natesh I've sent you the link to the video, which I think you've already seen, and invited you to the video project - the email should be delivered by Castofly. You can record you thoughts or endorsement in the same video, I'll see it :)
Anastasiia K
Oh I love where this is going. Nice initiative, Daniyar! If you find our product interesting and worth your video review, welcome to visit https://www.glostars.com/. There are definitely things to polish and develop further on, but with over 100 000 photo submissions by our awesome community members the platform hopefully looks inspiring to you :)
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@anastasiiahere thanks Anastasiia, I have shot my video review and can email it to you - I was a bit confused with how to interact with your website first, so my apology if I didn't catch all the functionalities that it's meant to do - but I've tried my best and maybe my honest reaction is how other users feel when they are using glostars for the first time :)
Anastasiia K
@dan_yes honest reactions are always the best; and I appreciate you taking time on reviewing Glostars! We have been recently focusing on the applications, so the website you had a look at is its fully beta version :) Welcome to email me at anastasiia@glostars.com.
Steven Birchall
Hi @dan_yes, great initiative. If you do have capacity, would love to get a review from you for our Video Collection platform, Vouch - vouchfor.com
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@stevenbirchall hi Steven, thank you for your suggestion - I loved your app actually! But it was a long review - 26 minutes. I've caught a few minor bugs, but I've tried to capture the console so that it gives you some hints of what happened. I'll send you an invite to connect on LinkedIn (via a link in your profile) and then will send you a safe link to the video. It's up to you if you want to post it or we can edit it together with you before publishing. But if you want to use it for marketing or any other purposes, I give you my full permission to use it :)
Steven Birchall
Thank you so much for doing this @dan_yes, we appreciate you taking the time to do the review and can't wait to watch and share with the team internally.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@stevenbirchall thanks Steven, I've sent you a link on LinkedIn. Sorry I didn't send it earlier, it was already after 10pm yesterday here in Vancouver :) But I've tried to catch everything so that it has the maximum value to your team internally, but feel free to use it for promotional purposes as well. If you send me your email and log in with it to app.castofly.com , I can even invite you to the same project so that you can also edit it and add your parts. Like Q&A format :) (I mean, you have my LinkedIn, you can message me there, no need to share your info here)
Martina Hackbartt
Oh, what a lovely initiative! Here's the link to our product: https://www.reskript.com/. We're preparing a big update, so your feedback would be incredibly useful to us!
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@martina_hackbartt hi Martina, thank you for your suggestion! Where to send the video? you can message me on linkedin and I'll respond, or send your email if that's alright with you - whichever works better for you :)
Martina Hackbartt
@dan_yes Hi Daniyar! my email is martina.hackbartt@reskript.com, but LinkedIn works just as fine. Let's connect there as well!
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@martina_hackbartt hi Martina, I've sent you a link to a 22 minutes video review to your email. I've shared an editor's access to the same video file, so that you can add your updates if you want :) I hope you find it valuable
Rich Watson
i think ours would be a lot different that any of these others due to it being a whole different market, not an app for productivity, management, AI, etc. it's more of a social media app for stock/crypto traders. probably not something you would do a review on but who knows, check it out. https://thetradehub.net
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@richw hi Rich and thanks for the input) Where to send the video? As I wrote in other comments, you can either put your email in this thread, or message me via my LinkedIn - link is in the profile
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@richw Rich, thank you for your comments about thetradehub, and for the feedback about UI - your comments are notes and similar to my feedback when I was just starting using it, but I guess because I was on the development team I got used to it and I forgot about this issue, sorry about that :)
i love it if u could make a animation of this
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@edrene14654 hi Emily, animation of what exactly? I know something about animation using JavaScript canvas, but the most advanced I can do is DVD player logo animation :D What exactly would you like me to animate?
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@edrene14654 I'm sorry, but I can do videos like product reviews or bug reports - using screen recording, voice and webcam. I can't do that time of animation.
Julie John
Do you have experience in reviewing a SaaS product? If yes then I would like to have a review on SubscriptionFlow.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@julie_john hi Julie. I didn't have experience until the last week. I've tried reviewing one of the top PH products - @filloutcom and their makers loved it. So, I decided to give it a try to any products that are sent to me, not only the top PH launches. It's going great so far, people say that my reviews are valuable. I have experience in digital marketing, sales, Web Development, business - so my feedback includes honest thoughts (both positive and constructive critique) about all the parts of the product that I see. And when I find a bug, I report it the way I report bugs internally - with dev tools, console, trying to identify what went wrong, and leaving as many clues to the Dev Teams in my video review as possible.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
@julie_john Julie, where to send the video review?
that's ok :)
Alok Kumar
Hi, thanks for doing this. Can you try out my android app Vently - https://play.google.com/store/ap...
Edvaldo Gjonikaj
Hi @dan_yes , would reaelly love to hear a feedback about my product: https://leets.it :))
i have something u can review