Hii.. several studies over the past few months show productivity at the same time as operating remotely from domestic is higher than operating in an office setting. People who do business from home spend 10 mins less an afternoon being unproductive, paintings one greater day every week, and are forty seven% greater efficient.
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Once you get past proper equipment, the need for good internet connectivity and the time-saving associated with no more commutes, it comes down to whether the person is well-suited to work remotely or not. The longer we're in this remote-first world the more tools we'll have to provide structure, reporting, etc., but I doubt one can make someone who needs/thrives on in-person interaction into a remote superstar.
Productiveness - what does it mean?
I have not seen any difference in the promises - remote or not.
We work on a "promise" basis. Meaning, I as a company want something and my employees estimate it (by sprints usually) - make a promise. Then I can evaluate if my ROI expectations and OKRs are met. If so, it is a "go". If not, we need to work on alternatives. If I really need something by next Tuesday and everybody says, can't be done. Then it is my problem. We need to simplify, split etc. But I also expect that if this can't be done, the employees can say what can be done (again a promise).
Eventually, there are two promises - employee says, it will be done by tomorrow evening, the company promises that nothing else will be thrown on the way. I as a company don't really care, where and on exactly what hours the job gets done as long as it is done.
Remote work opens a huge market for both - employees can choose to whom they work. And employers can hire from Japan, Bali or Puerto Rico.
About tooling - two mandatory things - good internet connection and really good (rather wired) headphones.
Actually what is really important is the company culture. If few are remote, you have to act as everybody is remote. If you can follow this, everything falls in place.
@rukhsar_amjad I agree to disagree :). Long distance employment keeps thousands of options open for the employers. If company A is not good or paying well, you can just go to B. And this B might not even be on the same continent
A lot of people have raised the point that remote workers can only be productive if the right tools are in play - which I 100% agree with. I would take that a step further and say that remote work is more productive only when the whole business/team adapts shared processes & the way they collaborate to a remote work environment.
Team collaboration & how updates are communicated is a great example. When a 5 minute 'over-the-cubicle' chat in an office turns into a 30 minute Zoom meeting... you're not going to be more productive.
Teams need to agree to adapt how they will operate in a remote setting, leverage &/or adopt the right tech, and (most importantly) set boundaries in order for remote work to drive productivity.
I think motivated workers are productive no matter where they work. People should so some self reflection on how they perform in different surroundings.
I've worked fully remotely, fully from office and in a "hybrid" way, remote + office. For me the last one has felt the best. I have peace and calm when I need it, but I also have a chance to get the benefits form the uplifting atmosphere at the office.
I believe, that when an employee has well set goals and possibility to meet them, they will do their best to reach them and they choose where they work form based on that :)
Maybe kinda unpopular opinion: I kinda like working more in the office. There are more serependity moments and you get context faster. But does it translate to more productivity? maybe not. I can be equally productive, assuming my work doesn't depend heavily on other people. People have different preferences, and companies need to serve all groups; either fully remote, hybrid or office :)
Once you get yourself accustomed to a daily routine, I think working remotely can be more productive than working from office. It allows more flexibility and better work life balance and you can see a dramatic difference in the time saved due to lack of commuting time. However, it does take some getting used to, cause home can be very distracting as well. This is why it is important to follow a routine.
I think the productivity balances out to be relatively the same for in-person work and remote work. For me, in-person work gives me boosts of motivation and a more physical way of approaching work that leaves me refreshed. The tiredness from commuting to work though and having plenty of distractions from tasks, for instance, could make people less productive.
With remote work, there's no commute and you likely get more sleep (catch me waking up 5 minutes before my work starts!). At the same time, I find that having my workplace in my bedroom results in me not really feeling like I'm in the "work mode" and I find myself doing things throughout the workday as I get occasionally distracted.
Definitely a hard question to answer, I think that it very much depends on the work as well (just like others have said).
Yeah, sure I agree,
I have been working for around 2 years remote, and I have saved so much travel time.
Apart from that, I have been able to work on my own things due to remote work, once I am done with my job tasks.
I was able to build two side projects one of which even got acquired on Tiny Acqusition.
I used to go in the office when perm and always wondering what was the point as a developer! I feel much more productive and less stressed since working remotely. I also think it's not for everyone though, there are people who struggle managing time and finding motivation so for them being in a office would be best
Yes, if managed well. Their private space gives them more liberty to evolve and work with comfort. Minor drawback is you need to have patience and constantly keep asking for updates. It's 2022 now, evolution after covid is having a huge impact on candidates for remote working as a priority. Sometimes its better to go with the flow, but stay conscious of them watching Netflix instead.
With the right tools, workflow, communication skills and attitude, I think working remotely can greatly enhance productivity. I think productivity can take a dive when one is working too hard that they neglect their personal life. Ultimately, this will reduce productivity.
I believe that totally depends upon the employee management processes of an organization. If the task delivery systems are well managed and require less attention from the managers, I guess there's no option for employees but to stay productive.
It depends on a person. Remote work is a good option for self-starters and those who appreciate some sort of freedom (and can handle it). Although there are some people who are way more comfortable working at the office.
Not as a whole. I agree some people and positions may experience higher productivity in a remote work environment but it can be difficult and detrimental to productivity for others. As a remote, self-employed consultant, I know maintaining focus and sourcing motivation to be productive takes work... a lot of work. Remote work isn't for everyone. Some people need the office setting, the structure, and the supervisory oversight.
To be successful and productive, remote workers need all the tools they would have if they were at work (computer, fast internet, comfortable desk/chair combo, extra monitors, headset, etc. ). Remote workers should also have a way to disconnect. If the home workspace is close to the home relax space, remote workers need to practice giving themselves permission to be off when they are done for the day. Remote workers also need to set at least a core schedule. While it can be inviting to take every day as it comes, adhering to some core hours feeds productivity.
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