It depends on where you are. For saturated markets where it is all about stories of customer experience, it would be better to do marketing first. For deep (emergent) technology, this should not -- Theranos is an example.
I think it depends on the target users for product, If your product is for B2C then yes extensive marketing will be required in initial days for product adoption but if product is good, intuitive and solve the user problem to which it is intended, it will run with word of mouth of users as they will suggest it to their friends and relative.
no at least not longterm. Marketing without product doesnt really work (longterm) but product without marketing works (shortterm). So in the end its about the timehorizon
Your marketing has to connect the user to the value of the product. The product has to deliver on the value promise. If you do this consistently you have a brand that will be bigger than both.
Not more important, no.But defiantly VERY important. Create an amazing proudct and not one knows about it, or you market it with the wrong massage - even an amazing product will struggle to succeed in these conditions
It's equally important. What's the point if it brings you new users and product doesn't bring value? Or, say, there is a brilliant product that solves a pain and nobody knows about it. It's about balance.
I lately talked about a comparable question in one of my videos. In my opinion, you need awareness for your product to have enough opportunities to validate and iterate.
If you have no awareness, there's literally no chance. Obviously, it depends on the stage you are in, but I'd say: Marketing first (aka in the beginning), Product Building second.
Just don't forget to actually build the product 😂
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If you look at The Creator System (on product hunt), 60 to 70 percent of tasks are about marketing. So yes, marketing is more important than product. It doesn’t sound right but it’s the truth. Just think about it, an great product doesn’t reach anyone if nobody knows about it but an average product can reach millions with great marketing. An ideal solution is to do great at both product and marketing.
Absolutely not. You see, Tesla Motors has no marketing team, no chief marketing officer (CMO), and no advertising agency. They just focus on the quality of the product. And you can see the result.
I'm not saying marketing is not important. In fact ,for many products (such as online courses) marketing is a must. But never the marketing is more important than the product itself. Hope you understand!
When you're creating your product spend 80% of your time on creation and 20% on marketing. After you create the product spend 80% on marketing and 20% on development/support, etc.
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