
Do you think it's time to restart work from office?


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Akinori Nakajima
Happy to work remotely!
Nik Hazell
Noooo! 🏝💻
Jason Cavness
Some industries require you to go to the office. For example, it is kind of hard to do construction or electrical line work remotely. But pretty much most can be done remotely.
Roberto Robles
In our case, there's no need for now. We work just as fine remotely.
Surender Singh
No! My team will revolt if that happens. :D
Baotri Nguyen
Making it a binary option is not the way. What's been frustrating employees the most has been sending out surveys as if they have a choice, then forcing them to come back.
Pablo Fatas
I mean for me it should be a personal choice. I for one enjoy the interaction of going into the office and feel much more productive there but I also know that many people feel differently. At the end of the day if a company can keep the same levels of productivity regardless then they might as well just optimize for their employee happiness. I would actually argue that the later is more important than the first.
Kate Middle
Have no problem to work remotely, but a bit bored...