For the moment, I try to not let myself be invaded and try to select the rooms which have a very precise topic related to social media and advertising.
And you ?
maybe a little bit. my co-founder would say. He said with it we would actually get a certain set of critics and elites in the african entertainment industry to boost our business and sort of validate some of our ventures.
@benoit_chambon Clubhouse is an iPhone(for the moment, is coming very soon for android) app that allows people to host and join audio conversations with other users.
Clubhouse is currently invite-only, tell me if you want an invite to try :)
@bilal_chaglani It's true that hyped now. It's the beginning! It won't be any more soon.
And I totally agree with you on the fact that it changes the way we consume podcasts and I love it!
@sideklick I don't know if you heard about Twitter's new launch - Spaces. It's very similar to clubhouse. And they are trying to target android users mainly before clubhouse does. Quite Interesting!
I've just joined clubhouse. I'm not sure it's a great way to get prospect but you can found so many useful information about great speakers. It's an amazing way to learn things!
I think it will have an impact in relation to advertising. We all know Twitter ads and Facebook ads, but can you advertise on Clubhouse? Can you use audio for advertising your product? Is it paid?