Ghost Kitty

Do you read paper books? Or switched to electronic?


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Ethan Barnes
I prefer e-books for convenience.
I prefer regular books because it gives me a break from the devices
Developer X
Such technical things, prefer e-book But, when it comes Novels and similar literacy stuff, I prefer paper. Its smell and feeling of touch is incredible
I love paper books, I enjoy the smell of paper, the binding, and so on. But it's not always convenient to carry them around, so more often I choose e-books.
Shreyas Iyer
I prefer paper books. There's something about the spatial dimension of a book (where words are on the page, how far you are into the book, seeing how much you've read) that I feel makes a considerable difference in the reading experience. Also, a very minor consideration, but it's nice to have a bunch of books around—serve as nice decor one you're done reading them :) That being said, I still own and use a Kindle, especially when traveling because of the portability.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@shreyasiyer I couldn't agree more - I love the decor and have been waffling back and fourth on getting an e-book reader for travel purposes.
Shreyas Iyer
@dzaitzow The price gap between Kindle books and physical ones is closing, and I think it only really makes sense if you are traveling/need the portability.
George Kalandadze
I am a huge advocate of physical books. I've tried many times but just can't justify or get the same result/enjoyment from a tablet vs a physical book. The smell of the book, the heaviness, the ability to scribble your thoughts and notes in it, flipping of pages. All of these things are irreplaceable. My vote goes to Paper books. (this is the one area where I refuse to accept modernity 😂)
Read paper books
Paper all the way baby, paper all the way... Main reasons are that a book never suddenly shuts down due to lack of battery life, or assaults you with notifications about everything else in the known universe that is happening whilst you're trying to relax and have a nice quiet read to yourself. I can see the appeal of having the worlds library in your pocket, but there's a very tangible advantage of a real book, I also find them easier to read too. Question, are you going to be writing/publishing something? If so, may we know more?
Josh B.
Paper books! We already spend too much time on screen.
Steve Lou
Paper book is my go-to, to keep me away from screens
Sure, Paper books are awesome! eBooks are really great and they may help in many many cases but the feeling of reading a paper book can't be replaced)
Zuhal Yılmaz
Paper books, we need to spend time without screen light.
Andrey Bozhjev
I read paper books with pleasure and help similar booklovers change and find the right books for themselves with the Relolib.
Mostly e-books also now with advancement in generative AI. I look for summary haha
Stefan Pettersson
If possible I go for Kindle, because of the ease of bringing it with me and, most importantly, not to be dependent on a good light source. Also, the space - most books I have no point keeping around once I’ve read them.
Evgeniya Chernishyova
Right now, I'm thinking about buying an e-book like a Kindle. I quickly get tired when reading from my phone, and it's inconvenient to constantly carry physical books with me, as we often travel. Although, of course, at home, I prefer a physical book with a cup of cocoa :)
Louis Garnier
Nothing is more pleasing than the texture of paper
I used to be all about the paper – the smell, the feel, the cozy corners. But then, electronics came in like a whirlwind romance! Now it's like having a library in my pocket, ready for a date anytime.
Rustam Eldarov
50/50 I like to collect important books and enjoy reading them in my free time. However, as stated earlier, it's way more convenient to read an e-book on the road. One rule applies: I never read an electronic variant of the book that I already have.
Beth Batley
Both, the more books the better