Juan Sarmiento

Do you know other maker's communities?

I'll be honest with you, ProductHunt has been the main source of knowing and interacting with fellow makers, but I've been always in the search for other maker's communities. And not only within the design and development business, but I've also come across music forums, videogames tribes, book lovers, movie experts, and even sofa testers!😂 Therefore, I wanted to ask you guys if there are any other maker's communities that you know of and that are worth to share😀

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Anna Ioanna
I really like IndieHackers
Aleh Barysevich
I've recently found that Reddit's not just for memes and cat pictures, but is also full of insightful discussions and powerful recommendations from experienced specialists. Take a look at the following subreddits for inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepr... https://www.reddit.com/r/startup/ https://www.reddit.com/r/technol... https://www.reddit.com/r/Product...
Fabian Maume
LUNADIO is quite nice community. https://www.indiehackers.com/ is also nice
Juan Sarmiento
@fabian_maume You're right. I haven't had the opportunity to check LUNADIO, thx for sharing😃
Rui Lourenço
I've recently found Startup School from YCombinator it has a pretty active community of founders, I just joined a few weeks ago, so far it seems promising. Also curious about what other communities are out there.
Natalie Karakina
I love Indie Hackers!
Juan Sarmiento
@nataliekarakina It's amazing, isn't it?😄
Sheikh Imran Mahmud
yes i know
Juan Sarmiento
@sheikh_imran_mahmud Do you mind sharing them?😂
Manish Rawat
Apart from ProductHunt I visit AlternativeTo, LaunchingNext, Slant and Softpedia
Juan Sarmiento
@manish_rawat1 I've seen AlternativeTo and LaunchingNext and I'm definitely going to take a look at Slant and Softpedia😄
Adi Nugroho
I found Indie Hackers last month. Full of motivation and insight. And today I post my first product on Product Hunt :D. Kudos Indie Hackers
Imran Mahmud
yes i know
Juan Sarmiento
@imran_mahmud1 Would you mind letting me know?🤣
Osman Uzakgider
Twitter ^^
Ryan Pereira
Startup School from YCombinator is something i would totally recommend
Tatiana Kukova, PhD
I would recommend the following: CoFoundersLab, Founder Groups at Startups.com, https://www.joinef.com (if you need to find a co-founder), https://yec.co (this is Young Entrepreneur Council), and 7CTOs.
Tatiana Kukova, PhD
You may also check GeeksforGeeks (a computer science portal for geeks).
Dimitris Karavias
@weekendclubhq by @charlierward ! I've tried a lot of communities and Weekend Club has been the best so far: 1. Friendly, knowledgeable people ready to help 2. The founder (Charlie) is always proactively connecting people with similar interests 3. A pool of early users/beta testers ...and many more benefits!
Juan Sarmiento
@weekendclubhq @charlierward @dkaravias Those three benefits you're mentioning are really cool! Surely I'll take a look ar Weekend Club😎
Rodela Rahman
Jerry L. Tran
you can try Hackernoon
Amatuallah Sumaiya