Salar Davari

Do you know any other platform similar to product hunt?

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emma walker
Try BetaList or Crunchbase
Anusua Seal
Yes, there are several platforms similar to Product Hunt Hacker News, BetaList, StackShare
Boudewijn Bos
@anusua_seal and are these platforms better? I am launching in PH today would love a comment, upvote or download if you have some time to spare!
@anusua_seal @boudewijn_bos Hacker News and BetaList are OK but I think PH is the best.
Boudewijn Bos
@rednevada and why do you think PH is best?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@rednevada @boudewijn_bos Jumping in here - I think PH does the best job of gamification and fostering a sense of community. I also presume they reward volume users by weighing their contributions more heavily - but that is just an assumption.
Boudewijn Bos
@rednevada @dzaitzow love it - I have never used the others but good to see we’re on the best one right now 🚀
Relja Denic
Anusua mentioned the most imporatnt ones, but here are some additional ones: Saashub, Startup stash, Pitch wall, Launching next
Of course here are my suggestions: - DevHunt by @johnrushx - by @marcelcruz - More: Uneed, Addy Codes Toolkit, BetaList,, Launching Next, PitchWall (ex BetaPage), AlternativeTo, StartupBase, Launched!, SaaSHub,, Designer News Happy to see some new ones here. Thanks everyone for sharing.
Dev Hunt of course !
Sandra Djajic
Wow I learnt a lot here today!! Thanks everyone for sharing!!
Jake Harrison
Hacker News
Prema Toppo
Launching soon!
Some popular platforms similar to Product Hunt are BetaList, Hacker News, Indie Hackers, and SaasHub.
Julia Suontama
UUU thanks for sharing everyone! Deffo will go check these out with Boxio :)
Julia Suontama
Oki I just submitted to and if you don't want to pay, it might get one month that they publish your product on a random day. Wish me luck 🚀
Bryan Van Horn
I've used Hacker News with great success. I got my app to #1 on the Show page and gained 300-400 users just from that one post. I would recommend emailing the moderators if you can for additional advice as they are super helpful and willing to work with you too!
Aden Will
yes, hacker news
They're not even close. Don't waste your time with them.
Not similar but you can upload your product there and I think it's free for now, you can check it out
Nick Stein
Interesting, I was aware of a few but not all. What do you think of AppSumo?
Julien Ergan
Thanks for sharing!
thanks everyone for sharing, great source!
Vadim Côté
I'm bookmarking this thread because it is interesting for me too !
Alice Goode
Sidra Arif
I knew about only a few platforms, but now I've learned about many others. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
Erkin Bek
There are actually so many of these platforms, I know at least +50 of them, but Product Hunt is the one I love the most