Robert Lee

Do you have pet/s?


Me. I have a big fat tabby cat

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Jahnmary Diaz
Yes, i have a dog
Artyom Sviridov
Yes, two sweet kitties.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
I had one some years ago. But after he died, I realized that I don’t want to experience this anymore. I mean his death. Although of course there are many pleasent and funny memories associated with him.
Dog, cat, and 4 chickens :)
Sagar Patel
I have a dog! His name is Rowdy!
Blanca West
Traci West
Yes I have a Dog
Jenelia West
Yes! one cat
Agnieszka Rybij
My parents have 2 cats but since I lived with them for the longest time I treat them as my own as well haha