Or do you take a break from the computer for lunch?
I read a study that in the US most have lunch at their desk, and that in China they very often take a few minutes nap at their station after eating.
When I used to work at a multinational bank earlier, I would have lunch at my desk. Although it wasn't my preferred option, everyone else had lunch at their respective desks, so I just mirrored the culture
P.S. I'm based in Singapore
As an American, I can confirm that this is very common (or was, in offices) but I wonder how that's changed in the era of WFH (I guess more people eat and watch YouTube now)
@namehra I know! I wonder about that a lot, too. I always have breakfast by my station - either at home or in the office, so my first meal is always done while working. But for lunch I try to take a few minutes away from the computer in both places.
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