
Do you ever feel like you're running out of time?


I'm an aspiring product maker currently building basic products to make life easier for developers. I've been focused for 6 years on creating these products and managed to make a decent living out of it. Still I am quite far from my objectives in terms of growth and monetization. For the last year I've been feeling a constant inside pressure like I'm close to failing and running out of time. It's not burnout or anything like that. I've been a fighter all my life and never ran out of energy. But lately there has been something that pushes me to go faster and threating with failure. Do you ever have this feeling of running out of time and have you found anything that makes it easier to bare?

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Like most who've responded here, I've definitely had this same feeling creep up from time to time. Trying to stay present through meditation is what helps me most, although my meditation skills are still far from masterful. I also try to prioritize Time with the people I hold dearest as that is always grounding for me. Time is something we can never get back and I think any introspective individual keeps this in mind and tries to invest in the activities and people most important to them. That said, I applaud you for being so open about this struggle and stirring up what seems to be a needed conversation that so many have identified with. It's wonderful to see the community support.
@cortney_nickerson Yes that's one of the pain points. I've sacrificed time from being with loved ones to invest in work and it's probably not worth it. I will try to fix this. Thanks for the support
@luciantartea if you are providing for your family and doing your best, your efforts are always worthwhile. I share in your struggle of finding a good work/family balance. If you find a way to make this part of life steady, please share it with me! Blessings to you and yours and stay well.
Emil Uzelac
Hey Lucian, Time anxiety, and it's pretty normal. As long as I can recognize it and tell myself that I need to be satisfied with my daily achievements and not go after maximum results, it's okay. Even if we're not overworked, tiredness can catch up. And that contributes to time anxiety. Cherish your sleep and your downtime! Time is invested and never spent if that's making sense. E.
Arun Pariyar
Hi @luciantartea, I haven't devoted myself that long as you but what @emil_uzelac said resonates very much 👍
@emil_uzelac Thank you very much for the reply. My middle name is Emil too :) Yes you are right I definitely need to learn to make peace with myself and find a better balance. Grateful for the opportunity to talk about it here
Marko Denic
I think this feeling is quite common. At least for me it is. What makes it easier is going completely offline from time to time. Best of luck, Lucian.
@denic Thanks Marko, haven't done that in almost a year I think. I will have the opportunity to test it out in a couple of weeks
Paul VanZandt
I think as a maker, there's always a fear of running out of time - this is super common. Especially with today's influence of social media and globalization, it can be tough to slow down and take a breath. I feel the same way all the time; you just have to believe in yourself and acknowledge that you're doing the right things to move forward. If you're interested in our collaboration tool, we just launched today and would love your support:
Wiktoria Jaszcza
Isn't the feeling of "running out of time" caused by our expectations? I imagine how much can I do during the day but I rarely succeed.
@w_j Yes I feel like I will not get the chance to do everything from my roadmap in a realistic time frame. Guess we need to step back from time to time and let it be
Wiktoria Jaszcza
@luciantartea Well, "a realistic timeframe" is one that takes into account all unexpected circumstances :) Not the timeframes we set 😂. Yes, let it be, finally accept it.
Jareer Samad
Hey Lucian. With the constant pressure to keep up with others expectation and our own, time anxiety is becoming increasingly common and most of us experience this. Just trust the process and work you are putting in. And have the optimism that you would reach your desired goals. Sharing your feelings with others definitely helps.
@jareer_samad Getting these kind replies helps a lot. Thanks Jareer. I will try to make my expectations happen. I am an all or nothing type of person. So I will find ways to cope with this anxiety on the road to meet my objectives. Wish you all the best
Sophia Emma
Every weekend! 😣
@sophia_emma Out of time of having fun or working on side projects in the WE?
Daniel Engels
It's completely normal to have this feeling. But you have to do your best to stay objective.Don't take any decisions in a rush.
Joshua Dance
I like to think of just stacking bricks. If you keep at it long enough you can build a house, a castle, an aquaduct, a world wonder. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were stacking bricks constantly.