Mayilsamy c

Do we need description text field when uploading task-related documents in the task management tool?


App: Task Management Here are the context Ex: Leave Requests involving four users—Leave Requestor, People Manager, Director, and HR—all users can upload relevant documents. The question is whether there should be an option to add a description when uploading attachments. Would providing a description be beneficial for other users in understanding the attached documents?

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Laree Casper
Yes, providing descriptions when uploading attachments can be beneficial for users to quickly understand the attached documents and streamline communication. That's is just my opinion🤓
Kia Kamgar
Yes, but depends on context. Your question is open ended and has no context of what the app is.
Mayilsamy c
@kiakamgar Thanks for quick response. App: Task Management Here are the context Ex: Leave Requests involving four users—Leave Requestor, People Manager, Director, and HR—all users can upload relevant documents. The question is whether there should be an option to add a description when uploading attachments. Would providing a description be beneficial for other users in understanding the attached documents?