@elenat Knowledge base sounds like a legitimate use case. There are third-party Notion tools like Helpkit that convert Notion to a knowledge base. We are also building for the Notion ecosystem using notionapps.com.
I use Notion yea.
It also managed to replace google docs and Trello for me.
Some of the things are worse, but most are better, and all in the same place!
@ziga_kerec Are there particular things that you don't necessarily like about Notion? We are trying to solve some pain points of Notion through NotionApps but I would be happy to know what irks you.
@jatinarora hmmm, for my workflow, I don't necessarily miss anything special. I mentioned Google Docs and Trello. Notion can do both, but is not as specialized at writing or managing products. Sorry I probably didn't help you all that much :D
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