Dima Isakov

Day 2: After Launch on Product Hunt


Interest to Goods & Hands has noticeably waned. Unfortunately, our project didn't add to Featured List and it's deprived of any organic traffic from Product Hunt. And we won't spend too much effort on attracting traffic, because it's more important for us to focus on the projects' development rather than its position here. Additional stats after Day 2 of the launch on Product Hunt: + 4 comments; + 3 reviews; + 1 followers on my profile; + 40 followers on product profile; + 18 conversions to our website from Product Hunt; + 3 of them created a profile; + 2 new submissions from creators. I've analyzed my mistakes this launch. The most important mistake—the poor design of the project card for the first submission. It wasn't perfect and I made edits as I got closer to the launch date. But all these changes were no longer looked at by the moderators. The moderators looked at the first submission, saw a lot of blank fields, bad images and added my project to Unfeatured List. Tip: Prepare content & materials in advance. Make everything perfect on the day you first submission, so that you don't have to make edits later. This will increase your chances of getting to Featured List. Good luck with your next launches 😉

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Arpit Agarwal
Is it recommended to submit/schedule a product hunt launch a few days/weeks before?
Dima Isakov
@arpwal I've created the application 3 weeks before the desired date. I purposely chose December 5th. That's why I chose this date: – Thursday—most response from my audience; – It's after the big sales around the world (Black Friday, 11:11, Cyber Sale and etc); – I have time to announce the launch in advance with a Teaser (2 weeks). –There is still time before the new year/Christmas and users are keeping themselves active online rather than preparing for the holidays.
Dima Isakov
@arpwal But I don't have recommendations. I think it's better to do it befor. At least 2 weeks just for the sake of the Teaser. The most important thing is to use this time and be active in the PH community so that your teaser gets noticed = notified.
Elara Thorn
We are also about to launch PopShort.AI. I read every word carefully. It is really meaningful. Wish us good luck. Thank you.
Nathan Geckler
I was wondering how much traffic get the day after their launch! Thanks for the insight!
Dima Isakov
@nategecko To be honest, I expected much more. The amount of our efforts is not equal to the result we got. I'm not saying that we had to get into the tops of the day. No, I'm talking about something completely different. It turns out that you direct your traffic to your launch and then redirect your own traffic to your website. I don't see the logic here. Does this help your project? No. Does this help increase the client base of PH? Very much. The only question is, what do you get in return?