Gaurav Singhal

Dark mode isn't always better. Only 31% of users preferred it. What about you?


Tested our app with 1000 users - only 31% preferred dark mode, others said it hurt their eyes. Are we doing dark mode just because it's trendy? We are forced to convert our website in light mode, and it will also allow users to do switch. Best of both worlds :)

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G Muharda Krishna
Dark mode works in most cases, feels like there is less strain on the eyes
Justin West
Dark mode definietly has its place, but I don't think it's always better.
G Muktha Krishna
I do think it's more of a personal choice, but once you choose the dark mode, there's no going back, everything feels like it's too bright otherwise. I prefer the dark mode any day!
Jai from Worksaga
I prefer dark mode >>>