If you want something super simple that works try ToDo++ for Notepad++
I create a file for each day, group items and just hammer them out one by one.
The Super cool and best time management tools and productivity
Here is a list;
Troop messenger- It is best tool for Productivity https://www.troopmessenger.com
And Time management tools are ;
1. Toggl
2. Harvest
3. Hubstaff
4. TimeCamp
5. Time Doctor
6. Quidlo Timesheets
7. WebWork Time Tracker
Clickup is good. I’d continue to use hands on tools for projects as, IMHO, ai will occasionally dissipate the think/learn process which a few minutes per task allows.
It depends if you want web or app based - I enjoy using www.yoodoo.app. It's got a to-do list and daily planner with time-blocks. Really useful if you like to plan and follow a routine visually.