
Can someone steal your startup idea?


What are your thoughts about startup ideas getting stolen, and have you seen such? Especially new and young entrepreneurs are worried about this phenomenon.

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I can suggest you to read this fantastic article : https://kk.org/thetechnium/bette... By the way, every idea is already taken, every ever thinking you’ll make have already been made by thousand of others. Hope it can be helpfull.
Ozan Yalçın
I think ideas are everywhere, the important thing is to execute them. So I believe this is a little bit unnecessary worry
Wassim 🐨
Anyone can steal any existing idea, you can't do much about that. But, they can't steal your execution/your unique spin on the idea. Your personal touch and the effort you put into making it a successful product. It is the execution that sets apart a mediocre idea from a successful one. So, focus on executing your ideas with excellence, adding your own flair. That's what makes your ideas truly original and sets you apart from the crowd.