Daria Globchak

Books or movies? What's your favourite one?📘🎬


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A long time ago I loved reading books, but now I love watching movies. Reading a book usually takes more time. I think I'll go back to books when I have enough time.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
All else being equal, books. Moreover, modern movies, created for the most part by computer, leave much to be desired.
Syed Riyaz Uddin
Books when they're short n' sweet, or contain good fantasy fiction. Movies/TV when they have good stories and tech. But usually, I like to read books when I'm not home, getting bored, or have less internet access, movies when I'm fully comfortable.
Syed Riyaz Uddin
@daria_globchak I played a few games like Witcher and Skyrim, where a monster/animal randomly attacks from anywhere, giving me jump scares. But sometimes it's fun to mess with my own nerves.
Mason Julian
I love to watch motivational movies
Anastasia Liamets
Movies for now, as the main reason is chillax after a hard day, but used to love books as a kid.
Paolo Go
Books. And lately lots of audiobooks
Viola Schoell
I find it difficult to choose because I love both options equally. I often enjoy reading a book and then watching the movie adaptation. What about you?
Alexander Ptitsyn
I like both.
Jennifer McKnight
Olivia Martinez
both offer unique experiences.
Meghan Henry
Aamir Jamal
On the other hand, movies offer a visual and auditory experience that can be immersive and captivating. They bring stories hydrogenexec.com to life with visual effects, music, and performances by actors. Movies can sometimes condense complex narratives into a more accessible format and can be a shared experience when watched with others.
Justin Rhodes-Harrison
Both books and movies - nothing like reading a good, all-absorbing book. But equally cuddling up on the couch to watch a gripping thriller is pretty good too
hard to choose !
Girish Gilda
Tbh, I equally like both..
Aris Nakos
Books, because I spend already enough time on the screen. I do love a good movie though.
Diego Vargas
Lina Linn
Alexandr Builov
Movies! I love getting lost in a good film.