Amit Arora

🤔 Are you really happy doing what you are doing currently in your life?

I recently came across a really honest post on Quora by Nikita Singh( She shared how this question made her reflect deeply on her life. Her answer was raw and relatable - she talked about having a job, and helping people through it, but feeling like she's just doing it for the paycheck. She described her daily routine as a cycle of work, coming home, crying, and sleeping. Her words weren't just an answer, they were a cry from the heart. 💭 Reading her post made me think - are most of us just going through the motions? Are we doing things just because we're supposed to, not because they bring us joy? It's like we're all on this giant hamster wheel - wake up, work, sleep, repeat. 🌟 But here's what I think: Sometimes we get so caught up in what we're "doing" that we forget about how we're "being." We measure our happiness by our jobs or achievements, but maybe real happiness is about more than that. 📎Maybe it's more about: 📍Finding meaning in small moments 📍Making genuine connections 📍Growing as a person, even if it's just a little bit each day 😐Now I'm curious to hear from you - what makes you truly happy in your daily life? Share your thoughts - are you happy with what you're doing right now? What would you change if you could?

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Tasha Konkina
A friend of mine has a tattoo on his wrist that says “Am I doing bullshit right now?” I lived in Turkey for two years and they have a really loud call to prayer 5 times a day. So loud it was a big distraction from whatever I was doing, and I used this time to ask myself the same question. Such regular reminders really help to get in touch with myself and if the answer was “yes” it was a great signal to stop doing bs and focus on something that matters and makes me happy 😊