Triveni Balla

Are you morning person or night person?


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Sun Flower
I'm like a vampire without the cool factor, definitely more alive at night!
Girish Gilda
Mostly morning person but also depends on the work that I'm doing.
Andrew Turner
Night person, love the quiet and I find I'm most creative and productive at night.
Marvin Mändle
night person 100%
Depends on the mood :)
Viola Schoell
That depends. I like to study in the evening, but I also like to get up early if I want to travel and explore new places. What is with you?
love to morning person
Olivia Martinez
Meghan Henry
Night person
Nicolas Gohler
Both. I'm most productive 1 hour after waking up & a few hours before going to bed! Creativity usually highest before sleep.
It depends, but mostly a night person. wbu?
Curtis Chou
Been finding out I’m a morning person but can still operate in the night if needed. Most definitely not an afternoon person though 😅
Rihab Zaidi
early morning or late evening
Paolo Go
I'm a night person. I start to be more productive in the afternoon. In the morning, I need to take it easy and do simpler tasks.
Ryan Kara
I'm a night owl.
Iris Matt
I think morning person
Jalal Khan
of course night owl
Avital Trifsik
Night person definitely!