Triveni Balla

Are you morning person or night person?


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Curtis Chou
Been finding out I’m a morning person but can still operate in the night if needed. Most definitely not an afternoon person though 😅
Girish Gilda
Mostly morning person but also depends on the work that I'm doing.
Andrew Turner
Night person, love the quiet and I find I'm most creative and productive at night.
Marvin Mändle
night person 100%
Depends on the mood :)
Viola Schoell
That depends. I like to study in the evening, but I also like to get up early if I want to travel and explore new places. What is with you?
love to morning person
Olivia Martinez
Meghan Henry
Night person
Nicolas Gohler
Both. I'm most productive 1 hour after waking up & a few hours before going to bed! Creativity usually highest before sleep.
It depends, but mostly a night person. wbu?
Rihab Zaidi
early morning or late evening
Paolo Go
I'm a night person. I start to be more productive in the afternoon. In the morning, I need to take it easy and do simpler tasks.
Ryan Kara
I'm a night owl.
Iris Matt
I think morning person
Sun Flower
I'm like a vampire without the cool factor, definitely more alive at night!
Jalal Khan
of course night owl
Avital Trifsik
Night person definitely!