Elena Tsemirava

Are you a Mac or a PC type?


I am a Mac person for over a decade since I bought my fist MacAir in 2012.

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Oana M
PC, though i have to use a Mac for work
PC type
Relja Denic
pc :)
Elena Tsemirava
@relja_denic curious: why? What feature is so important for you? what makes PC so sticky for you?
Paul Richardson
PC - can't game on a Mac, I don't want to be locked into a closed ecosystem and I want a variety of hardware to choose from.
Rose Linda
PC type
Piotr Obidowski
Definitely Mac. I bought my first Mac 11 or 12 years ago I was very afraid of this change, but it was better than using Linux + Windows. Now I am using whole ecosystem.
Mehraz Morshed
I'm still PC type but thinking about switching to Mac!
Mark Amouzgar
Mac type :)
Mac type
Artyom Sviridov
Sticking to PCs for over 20 years now.
Sagar Patel
Both! I have a MacBook and a windows laptop. One is for work, the other is for training ML models and gaming!
Both, pc for gaming and live streaming and mac for everything else.
mac type
In the ongoing debate of Mac versus PC preference, the choice often hinges on individual needs and experiences. While some gravitate towards the sleek design and user-friendly interface of Mac, others find PC's versatility and customization options more appealing. However, for those who opt for Mac, the integration of tools like android file transfer for mac m2 becomes crucial, bridging the gap between different ecosystems and enhancing connectivity options. Ultimately, whether one identifies as a Mac or a PC type depends on their unique priorities and technological requirements