Gianluca Cinellu

Are backlinks still important in SEO for 2024?

Did you find success with your SEO strategy even with little to no backlinks? What's your experience?

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hennry hunter
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, backlinks were a crucial element in SEO, contributing significantly to a website's authority and search engine rankings. However, the landscape of SEO is dynamic, and search engine algorithms evolve over time. In 2024, it's highly likely that backlinks continue to play a crucial role in SEO, but the quality and relevance of those backlinks may have become even more critical. Search engines tend to prioritize natural, high-quality links from authoritative websites rather than spammy or low-quality links. Guest posting on reputable blogging sites can still be an effective strategy for building quality backlinks. When selecting guest post opportunities, consider sites that are relevant to your niche, have good domain authority, and uphold high editorial standards. Building relationships with these sites can lead to mutually beneficial collaborations, helping you establish authority in your industry while also improving your SEO. However, it's important to note that SEO strategies can change, and it's advisable to stay updated on the latest industry trends and search engine algorithm updates for the most current information.
John Marquez
I worked with a brand that lost almost 80% of its traffic since it stopped building links to their pages. After building a 5-10 high-quality backlinks per month, we started to see some traction and slowly regained traffic overtime - it's still a work in progress since we haven't recovered 100% So yes. backlinks will still be important for SEO in 2024. However it needs to be relevant to your business and it has to be from a legitimate brand. Link farms, content farms and PBNs are still out there so be careful!
Gianluca Cinellu
@j_pmarquez thanks for sharing! Do you have any best practice to recommend for building quality backlinks?
John Marquez
@misterocean Try reading the resources in the SEMrush or Ahrefs blog. Those resources should serve as a good foundation for your link building efforts.
Emily Harris
Sure, backlinks stay important in SEO for 2024. While search algorithms evolve, quality backlinks continue to signal authority and relevance. They improve your site's credibility and contribute to higher rankings. From personal experience, I'd say, it's always a good idea to hire an agency with expertise in SEO, for example, contact precision opinion customer service. They can strategize and execute effective link-building campaigns, ensuring your website stays at the forefront of search engine results.