What's your superpower?
I recently found a copy of ‘Gallup strengths finder’ that i completed 10 years ago. It was a revelation for me back then. On the back of it I changed my approach, from spending 100% of my time trying to fix what I wasn’t good at (no matter how unhappy it made me) to focusing 50% of my time getting even better as what i was great at. It made me so much happier (and successful) in my work and brought a lot of good to those around me
For the record, my top strength was Responsibility and, after completing Gallup, instead of avoiding responsibility in my life, I sought it out. I put my hand up instead of keeping it in my pocket
What's your top strength and how do you lean into it?
PS I’d like to retake a strength test, so any good quality (and preferably free) alternatives to Gallup that you can recommend would be welcome
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