
When learning to code, what topics have you found difficult to understand—or still to this day?

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Abe Winter
tool selection. you can be smart + experienced, but if you're not using the best tools for the job, you're going to lag your competition. this requires a lot of experimentation, conversation and court sense to get good at.
Szymon Adamiak
Even after a few years, I encounter problems with deciphering some functional programming code. Another common issue is when to use which design pattern. Testing is also hard, especially as it's super easy to have great coverage and yet bump on bug after bug. Designing good tests is a rare skill.
@sadamiak I find it interesting that these two are so common: testing and design patterns. Noted, thanks for your input :)
Szymon Adamiak
@sadamiak @eveningkid I feel that design patterns, testing, readability, etc. are harder to grasp because they in a way "interfere" with getting things done. As a beginner you want to solve the problem. That's the hard part for you. And when you solve it and it kind works you're proud and ready for the next task. You don't want to think too much ahead, and often don't even have the mental tools to think ahead. And you don't want to kill your darling by refactoring. When you progress to more senior roles you have to change that "problem solved" mindset to seeing a broader picture. It's substantially harder to learn and not as exciting.