I wouldn't call it an achievement but it is one of those little step it is updating my App to version 3.00 the Staff Timer App has a long way to go but these little things do matter feel free to download this app.
About me with @momen_elshamy and all Premast Team Finally launched "premast Plus" last Month 10th of Aug
Premast Plus: Add-in saves you the hassle of searching, it inspires you to stay in one place and create Professional and unlimited PowerPoint designs. Premast Plus contains tons of templates, graphics, icons, and Images all editable for fast and effortless results.
Check out us: https://bit.ly/2DKe4eY
And we did it again we launched "dashi" 7th of Sep, dashi got featured in top 5 🥳🎉🎉 thanks for all supporters
dashi: is a dashboard PPT Bundle that focuses on visualizing your numeric data to present understandable information. We have designed these dashboards slides to fit multiple categories.
Check out us: https://bit.ly/2R2Vce8
it would be great if you give a look! and give us your feedback
Thanks in Advance 🙏
Having only done back end algorithmic projects, I am pleased to say that I have finally learnt how to build a basic website and learnt some HTML/CSS/JS. Very early stages, but definitely am picking things up regarding UX design and building landing pages.
I've finished the application that I was working on and decided on a launch date on ProductHunt.
Next week, I'm going to join the Makers who Ship club :D
And after that, the marketing and sales go full steam 🚢
Staff Timer App
Feedlify - Feedback tool
Feedlify - Feedback tool
Feedlify - Feedback tool
Product Hunt