1️⃣Give value free stuff;
Giving out free samples to the target market is a way to quickly gain a lot of customers because you effectively get your product or service into the hands of just the people who are most likely to want what you are selling. People will try something new if it doesn't cost them any money
2️⃣When you say I don't feel like it;
Feelings don't limit your choices or create an obstacle for you to do your work/job. They just give you an excuse to slack off. Even if you don’t feel like doing something, you can still do it. It simply takes grit – mental toughness – to get yourself through those de-motivating feelings.
3️⃣1% better everyday;
Get 1% better every time you publish a new work and always have regular improvements. Start small and make your increases gradual. Avoid the temptation to get impatient and start rushing forward and taking bigger leaps. Take it slow, steady, and consistent. Simply try to do a little bit better than you did the day before.
4️⃣Embrace slow progress;
As Thomas frankly would say the human mind isn't built for gigantic leaps in progress
There Always has to be a come down at some point and that causes anxiety.so learn to walk before you fly.
It doesn't matter the size of your progress what matters is how constant you are with it
5️⃣Your Content has a job
Learn to look at every piece of content you create as a worker
And it has a job to be done. Whether if you want the end goal to be more people to sign-up to your newsletter or buy your product. Have that in mind when next you create.
Hring an editor can be one of the best decisions you'll ever make because it might give you the time to actually do the stuff you like. This is very important because Passing off tasks allows you the time to reflect, develop strategies, work on the stuff you enjoy and prepare for what is ahead.
Thank you for reading
P.s : If you liked these tips
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