I have long since believed that everything associated with tech startups is inherently designed to help us be more innovative as a society.
Lately, my opinion has changed.
What triggered the change was the realisation that the "Growth" as a centrepoint of technology business is very 21st century. All the technology greats we know of - from HP to Microsoft to Apple - functioned under a different premise.
I have elaborated this viewpoint here in this blog - (
https://blog.lightcat.io/fast-st...) for those of you who prefer a more in-depth analysis than a small post.
The gist however is this: Cult of Hyper Growth >> Winner Take All Markets >> Small Businesses Die >> Society with greater debt >> People having lesser creative independence.
As I elaborate in the blog, In a debt ridden society, Albert (Einstein) does not work at a Swiss Patent Office - he works 3 jobs to pay his bills and EMIs and can NOT think about "light, energy and matter".
Buddha to Bezos