3 things that I learned (or rather confirmed) thanks to this platform
I've been on this platform for over 650 days (it's still nothing compared to its existence), but there are 3 things I've noticed:
1️⃣ Don't rely on Product Hunt
This is a bit controversial but well thought out. 😃
I can see how some are frustrated that they are not in the "featured" section. I understand. It will take a lot of time to prepare and it is not a pleasant situation, but take it as you do not own this channel.
That's why I usually invite you to connect on socials or to connect by email because we don't own servers and you never know what may occur.
(you can subscribe to my newsletter – not because I need to weekly write you but because of this case predominantly)
2️⃣ The most genuine feedback happens outside of PH
There are many bullet points in the discussions and comments that can help makers. However, I noticed that deeper feedback (at least in my case) happened outside of this platform. Mostly on LinkedIn or Twitter.
3️⃣ Follower count does(n't) matter
There are many bigger accounts than mine but when you are not active there, people will not remember you because you are missing chances to meet with their attention. When you remind yourself of people persistently, they are more likely to remember you and connect with you.
What discoveries did you make while being on Product Hunt?
P.S.: I am leaving my newsletter in comments for connecting (see point 1).
Sugar Free: Food Scanner
Sugar Free: Food Scanner
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