Personally, I'll be traveling to Brazil and I'll have plenty of time to work on my Project Pastick. So my main objective is to have a MVP opened to bêta testers.
Yours ?
We're launching our MVP for our app, Seroqio - we're making it easy to get smarter about things that matter with personalized learning playlists!
If anyone would like to join as a beta user and help us with feedback - I'd greatly appreciate it.
You can help out by checking us out here:
@4th_roommate It's going well. The dev is done and approved by both the iOS and Android app stores. Now, it's just a matter of officially pulling the trigger.
@jamiegilman I haven't really figured it out yet. Will be checking out resources from PH over the next couple of days for ideas. Any suggestions welcome - looking to grow App downloads for my social app - Qloak.
@benjidisciple I'd be happy to help out! We can exchange feedback. Send me your link.
Ours is - if you join the slack channel I'll send the prototype over to you.
@irina_seng Hi Irina, since you are quite in marketing as I can see, do you have any tip you could send to me for when I launch my project ? Cuz I am such a newbie when it comes to marketing and growing a community. You can send me a private message if you are ok to help me out here :)
my goal would be to have anyone in the world trial (Free trial) my new workforce management software and give me some feedback on what I can do better with it...thanks
Hinestly, my main goal is to watch an NBA game. I know that a lot of people are betting on sport and also watch it online. I really like to watch nba and also decided to start betting on sport using which is a perfect way to make additional money as well.
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