One year ago, we launched Stockle beta on Product Hunt. We didn’t really prepare for the launch in any way, just simply submit and back to coding (A real programmer move - we know).
We were fully committed to the development process and our to-do list was kilometers long. Also, we didn’t have an existing audience on social platforms. As engineers, you often get caught up with building the product instead of building an audience for it.
So, as you can guess, the launch wasn’t a big success, not even a small one, to be honest (😅).
During the past year, we’ve not only added more value to the platform but built our social media presence & audience, listened our users, and iterated multiple times.
So, lessons learned, we are now launching Stockle’s stable release on Product Hunt.
If you are keen to follow and support our 100% bootstrapped platform for retail investors, we would really appreciate it! Simply hit "notify" on our product page, and you’ll be the first to know when we are launching!