Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)

10 Days until the Launch - Any last tips?

Hi! We're launching Amy in about 10 days (, and are excited (and a bit nervous) about it. We have already outlined a plan for the launch day and are hard at work to bring the best product to this wonderful community. I'd love to hear any tips you have about the days leading up to the launch as well as the launch itself! Happy New Year!

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Johnny Lester
In response, I would recommend you check out this 3-minute roadmap by TechinAsia on launching and scaling your business : - Get the right talent and funding, and look for ecosystems that support companies with training, co investment and accreditation schemes - Secure strong partners and connections to build your business network - Choose a base where setting up and incorporation is well streamlined Watch more:
Nim Ron
Can't wait :)
Fabian Maume
This is my recommended action plan:
@fabian_maume thanks for the share. Saved it for the future and also shared with our companies at
Stefani Kovachevska
@fabian_maume Thank you for posting this, we're in the process of planning ours at
Fabian Maume
@stefani_kovachevska Nice. Do you have a hunter for it?
Rachel Levitz
Exciting! Happy new year!
Vivek Ganesan
Here are the top things that come to my mind: 1. Make sure the product/website can handle the heavy (sweet) incoming traffic from PH. (May be a stress test?) 2. Run a quick typo/grammar check of all the social media post drafts (I assume you will be posting in multiple channels about your PH launch) Wishing you all the best!
Tommy Bloom🌴
Happy New Year!!
Hi Lior Wow! You got so many subscribers already. Well done. It took me 176 days to sign up 100 volunteers to Looks like you could beat me on day 1. We are having the best day today. So far 55 signups. All the best
Atul Ghorpade
First of all, happy new year! I'm very PH enthusiast. I will something soon. Till then, I'm collecting launch resources and learning more about it. You can check it here -
Howell Shapiro
Whoa! Very Exited!! njmcdirect
Roni cohen vaza
Good luck!!!