Shashank Shekhar (Ashwamegh)

100Days100Films - Showcasing movies I watched in 100 consecutive days.

Website to showcase the movies I watched in 100 consecutive days during COVID-19.
It has feature to:
1. Change theme of the website using the theme selector.
2. Order movies based on ratings, year, etc.
3. Movie page to play trailer & see streaming services.

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Shashank Shekhar (Ashwamegh)
Hi there 👋 I have created a website with Gatsby to showcase all of the movies I watched in 100 consecutive days during the times of COVID-19. These movies have been selected from my watchlist. I have added a couple of features, which is not much but will do some basic job: 1. You can change the theme of the website using the theme selector. 2. You can order the movies based on ratings, year, etc. 3. You can go to the movie page to see its description, watch the movie trailer and see if there are any streaming providers (Click on the links of available providers to directly jump onto the movie page). Hope you would like it. If you like it, do share it with others. You never know, who needs this 😉