@irina_haupt That decision is to be made by a person's boss, not by me. In any case, I would go for one or two breaks, included in those six hours.
That way, a business could have two shifts, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and it could possibly be more productive than one that works from 9 to 5 only.
I am aware this can't work for some businesses, like bars.
@simplytedel Interesting, would this be 6 hours straight, or with a break? How would you best use day 7 to recover and be fully energized for the next week?
Sometimes 5 hours are not enough, I'd take 4-day (8h/day) work weeks anytime because, at the end of the work week, I'm just exhausted and not really that productive.
Uhh I'm very torn.
Sometimes I feel that five power hours are enough. My brain is done by the end of that day
But at the same time, sometimes, on Thursday nights, I feel that I'm not ready for another working day!
I've never had one of those before... So I would have to try them both to make an informed decision😂
@mimih_arteaga Totally! It definitely varies by day/week for me as well. I certainly wouldn't want to ruin a perfect flow just because the clock tells me that my 5-hour workday is over, then there are days where I am like "Okay brain, it was fun while it lasted.". Same goes for the week, right? Some weeks are just so productive that you can't wait for the next week to start, and then there are other weeks where I can't wait for them to end and to start with a fresh brain the next week.
Four-day workweeks would be my preferences as I think that a five-hour workday would get VERY short in the event something even minor went wrong (child gets sick, etc.). With only five hours to work, even a 30 minute unexpected issue is eating up a huge chunk of your work time
@magistratejohn Yes, I would have to agree with you and this would also be my biggest worry. At the same time it would be so hard to squeeze in meetings without interrupting those power hours.
5 hours feels too much of an awkward time to get anything done, especially when you consider meetings and breaking for lunch, coffee, etc. You can get a lot done in 4 full focused days.
@amiefinlayson Yes, I think meetings might turn out to be a killer on 5-hour workdays. Generally, I think this could work for teams that are very eager on asynchronous updates instead of meetings. What do you think?