
🔗 Which do you prefer: LinkedIn or X (Twitter)?


I'm a big fan of LinkedIn, but I also see potential in X (Twitter). So, I decided to give it a try and created a Twitter account today (yes, I know, I'm a bit late to the party🎉) I'm curious to know which platform you prefer, and I would be happy to connect with PH community on both of them. Please share the links to your accounts in the comments. After all, it's all about growing and learning together, isn't it? In X

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Bhavishya Yadav
Maria Anosova 🔥
I prefer LinkedIn. But maybe because I haven't used Twetter before 🤔
@maria_anosova let's begin this journey together :)
Alexander Ptitsyn
@nastassia_k  LinkedIn personally because I have more engaging audience there. But I am trying to build my twitter. What is your handle, should we follow each other? Mine is
@siavoshzarrasvand great! we should :) I followed you mine is
Jernej Dvoršak
We are live today and I have to say for me LinkedIN is more helpful than X.
@jernej_dvorsak please, send a link to your product :)
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
@shemtov_yogi yes, me too. However, Twitter looks kind of fun
Niko Germish
X has an excellent recommendation system. I can spend an hour there and find that everything suggested is very engaging.
Jabari Zuri
Just LinkedIn.
@jabari_zuri don't you want to join the journey of discovering Twitter opportunities for PH makers? I'd love to have teammates :)
Yura Turivny
Ethan Xu
I like X, why so many people prefer the LInkedIn
@cen_xu I am sooo surprised, I thought like I am in the minority here with Linkedin :) let's connect on X
Ramit Koul
LinkedIn Rocks!! 🤘
Sergei Anosov
Nico Spijker
Twitter has more niche stuff/content for everyone. I also think it takes away part of the formality that is very present on LinkedIn which is nice. There are also build-in-public and startup communities that are a bit more approachable/share failure and real life challenges more often compared to LinkedIn where it feels everything needs to be a win 100% of the time.
LinkedIn, happy to connect everyone!
Juan Correa
Hi Natasha, could you please give more details to your question? I personally prefer more LinkedIn for professional related content and more meaningful connections. Twiter (X), personally don't like it, but in my industry (software engineering), is used a lot for software engineers products or open source communities. So the question here is: which do you prefer for _________ ? LinkedIn or X? Where the blank line is the for what or in what context you prefer more. Let me know if this makes sense, I'm happy to share all what I know :D
@_juan_correa Hey Juan, it's great to connect with you! I noticed that many members of the PH community use Twitter, and it got me thinking that I might be missing out on something valuable by not using it. Especially since we recently found all that Open AI big news on Twitter, which seems to be a primary source of information. So I have a couple of concerns: 1. Which platform is better for getting relevant, first-hand information from the world of IT world? 2. As the head of content, I'm interested in knowing where PH makers prefer to build a community around their brands. I would really appreciate it if you could share your insights on this.
Juan Correa
@nastassia_k Awesome, makes a lot of sense :D For getting news or first-hand information, Twitter is the best! About the second point, yeah, that will depends on the answers you get from the community here. In my personal case, I use YouTube and my personal Blog, where I'm building a newsletter list :)
Hands down LinkedIn. Better meaningful network connections and functionality
@slimmy82 Does X completely irrelevant in this case? I am fan of Linkedin, just try to find good in X :D
@nastassia_k in my opinion X is good for quick up to date news. LinkedIn is better for connections and professional networking.
George B. Aleesu
Each platform has its unique value, my first preference is LinkedIn.