Where do you grow your community?
Anil Matcha
17 replies
Julien Zmiro@zmiro
Top Product
I think the first step is to really identify your target audiences. Then you can start thinking about where those people usually hang out. That usually helps a lot to think about concrete actions (e.g. posting on a specific subreddit, DMing on Linkedin, creating blogposts and sharing them, etc).
I will follow the following steps
- Content strategy - I will share the market insights, case studies
- Emal newsletter - Every week share the industry insights what current trend is going on
- Running promotional offers
- Partnerships
- Posting religiously on social media
- Start a question-answer poll
- Share Freebies like ebooks
CloudFunnels AI
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit... Many places.
UX Playbook
LinkedIn atm. Feel free to connect ✌️
UX Playbook
@semigrownkid I agree, b2b is LinkedIn land. But X (formerly known as Twitter) may also be good
I've been growing it on Twitter from the start of the year.
However, I'm adding YouTube right now!
I am trying twitter and reddit at the moment. But i guess linkedin is much better for my product. But since the code is not stable yet I am resisting myself from posting there. But I guess one more week and i will be posting every day to bring in customers
Growing a community typically happens on platforms like Reddit, Discord, or even Twitter.
Launching soon!
1. Mailing list if you're lucky enough to have it - if you don't I would suggest trying to offer up free material to people so they might be keen to join. Email is among the least sexy while remaining relatively high on efficacy.
2. Start here and move those conversations over the LinkedIn and actually follow through on supporting other people's launches/betas/dls/reviews etc.
Since the beginning of the year, I've been cultivating its growth on Twitter. And now, I'm in the process of expanding to YouTube as well!
I try to separate it into two:
1. Target audience community: this one is harder. Growing your community of people who'd actually use your product, you'd have to nail the messaging and the places you post in. I do it mostly on LinkedIn and specific communities on Slack.
2. "Global" community: this can be community of indie makers, PH makers, so on. It's a different kind of a community, people who has less probability of using your product, but can give you valuable feedback nonetheless. For that, I use ProductHunt, Twitter, IndieHackers.
For reference, this is our upcoming page which is mostly directed at category 2: https://www.producthunt.com/prod....
Good luck!
Kyligence Copilot
@adamgold7 I find your approach to be a great start to begin and grow a community. Thanks for sharing!
Top Product
@adamgold7 Kypso looks interesting. Looking forward to seeing your launch!
It definitely depends upon your target audience but for us we serve up stable diffusion in the cloud so our target audience is mainly reddit, youtube and various AI blogs. If anyone wants to check us out we are www.thinkdffusion.com
LinkedIn and PH. Do connect ✌️