I believed that If I ever lie, my mouth will start bleeding and I will be caught and also was scared with the thought of seeing blood coming from my teeth and mouth. Also, I used to believe that every animal smiles when I talk to them.... :D
@thunderbird27 that is a good way of stopping your children from lying. And animals do smile when we talk to them, just feed them everyday. All the dogs in my area wag their tail and jump on me everytime they see me.
I believed in seeds turning into trees inside our stomach too, hahaha!
Another thing I believed in was that if you touch one of your ear lobes, you have to touch the other one so that you don't lose your earrings
@varshaanil That's something new. Only girls would relate! But that's so funny. Also hearing you I remember that if you hit someones head, you have to bang it a 2nd time else you'll grow horns!