What telegram channels do you really read?
Nelli Orlova
5 replies
I just realized that being subscribed to tens if not hundreds of telegram channels about startups, VCs, crypto and web3, I rarely open any.
I'm going to clean up my list and want to have your advice: what TG channels for startup founders and web3 entrepreneurs do you recommend subscribing to?
i.e. Those that you really read and get interesting information from, not those shilling channels full of ads and promos... Thanks!
Philip Snyder@philipsnyder
Delphi β Digital Clone Studio
I'm in a channel called "Makerlog" and I've found it's pretty useful for engaging with the product hunt community.
almost none. Channels are not friendly for reading.
One that I use a lot is Diario Bitcoin which is all the crypto news (although is in Spanish).