Aryan Sharma

What tech stack is best for a new startup in 2024?


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Rupal Saini
Workflow automation tools: Zapier, Make Sales/revenue tools: Truebase, Smartlead, Pipedrive, Intercom Project Management tools: JIRA, Trello, Notion Marketing: GA4, Contentful
Depends what you build, obviously. If you just need a website or some kind of API service etc, Vercel, Supabase and Cloudflare are top-notch and satisfy most needs when combined.
Vivin Deenathayalan
@siavoshzarrasvand i feel that cottage industry that AWS created still makes my jaw drop
For a new startup in 2024, a solid tech stack should focus on flexibility, scalability, and fast development. - Front-end frameworks: React or Next.js - Back-end solutions: Node.js with Express or Python's Django are ideal. - For mobile, Flutter or React Native allow quick cross-platform development. - Stripe for payments, Google Analytics 4 for tracking, and Slack for team communication complete the stack.
Paweł Puchalski
There is no such thing as best stack. It depends on your product, team, and goals. However, this year I started looking around and trying out new things, and here are some of them (very subjective opinions): - Svelte: I love it for personal projects, but I'll still stick with React for most work since more developers are familiar with it. - Flutter: Same story as Svelte. It's my choice for personal mobile dev projects, but for broader work, I'll go with React Native. - Supabase: I’m really impressed with this as a BaaS. It helps me quickly build MVPs. - Golang: Well... I know this one is nothing new, but after years of working in Python and switching to Golang: you better put your seatbelts on because this thing is fast. Ultimately, don’t focus too much on what others are using. Choose what works for you in terms of scalability, time-to-market, and your team’s strengths.
Alexander Scott Williams
Tech stack depends on your specific needs but some solid options for startups in 2024: For front-end, React or Vue are popular choices. On the backend, Node.js with Express or Python with Django/Flask are great for rapid development. PostgreSQL or MongoDB for the database. AWS, Google Cloud, or Vercel for hosting. Other key tools: GitHub for version control, Stripe for payments, Segment for analytics. The no-code options you listed like Zapier, Notion, etc. can help a ton too for things like automation and project management without needing to build from scratch. Hope this gives you a good starting point!
Prince Virani
It is based on a startup idea, there are several tech stacks based on specific niches.
i don't konw
young thug
For a new startup in 2024, consider using a tech stack like MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) for web applications, or serverless architecture with AWS or Azure for scalability. Prioritize flexibility and ease of development to adapt quickly to market needs.