Charlie Gilkey

What’s your favorite time frame for planning? Daily, Weekly, or Monthly?

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Nicole Chaplin
It depends on what I am working on. For instance, if I am working on a big project, I like going from Monthly to Weekly and then daily. But when it comes to routine projects I like daily for me. Great question.
Jonathan Nass
Weekly planning for sure. Every now and then I try to switch to more rigid daily planning, but I usually find myself falling back into the weekly timeframe.
JP Boily
Not daily. Ever. It's taking too much mental juice to do that. I plan once per week (we're trying once every other week right now), plus ~ monthly AND quarterly. With a different level of detail. What about you?
Philip Snyder
I might jot some notes about weekly planning - sometimes I'll plan my day just in my head
Harshavardhan Reddy
As of me.. weekly, But now and then daily planning due to some instant priorities .
Anna Chen
I prefer to divide a job by week. If I do it by day, it will always be affected by many sudden things, which will cause the things that should be done today to have to be postponed, so I usually plan by week, and every day A certain amount of time will also be reserved for emergencies.