Ali Jan

What’s one skill you think humans will always do better than AI?


AI is advancing quickly, but there are some things it can't replicate. What’s one skill you believe humans will always excel at compared to AI?

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Benson G
Launching soon!
Professional fields require face-to-face work, such as lawyers and finance; it also can't replace a CEO or serve a prison sentence for someone haha
Nicholas Alexander Green
Agreed, I think roles requiring deep empathy, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills like therapists, nurses, social workers, etc will be very hard for AI to fully replace. Also creative fields like art, music, writing where the goal is expressing something unique about the human experience and condition. AI can assist but not replace that spark of human creativity and insight imho.
Antonio Scardovi
Anything that requires emotional intelligence.
Anmol Momin
Emotional intelligence.
Mohan Natarajan
Find better ways to waste time. (including this)
Katrina Rodriguez
Thinking outside the box, coloring outside of the lines :)