Raju Singh

What ruffled you the most while hiring?


Hello everyone, Hiring the right folks is probably the most critical step when building your organization. When things get tough, your team is what supports you and there is nothing that makes you scale your business more than having a perfect team together. Please share your good, bad, ugly experiences when you set out to hire full time, part time, freelancer folks for your teams that helped you achieve your organization's goals when you were new to the game. Here is what happened to me; Brand is what attracts the best talents(mostly). I struggled to hire best folks initially as the brand was weak but once they joined, i had less than 5% attrition :) Since I was also iterating, lack of clarity didn't give a lot of confidence to the best folks I wanted to hire. Surprisingly, I pitched for a "Get to Know each other" period of 1-3 months depending on the role, instead of probation and people were ready to give it a shot and I was able to convert good folks (80%) with this pitch I have many more and will keep sharing along. Would love to hear your stories

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Raju Singh
Would love to hear any experiences around :)