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  • What programming language has the most beautiful syntax?

    Sneha Nair
    17 replies


    Rohalla Asadi
    However, the question of which programming language has the most beautiful syntax is subjective and varies from person to person. Some people might find a particular programming language's syntax to be elegant and straightforward, while others might find it unnecessarily complex. Ultimately, the choice of programming language depends on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the programmer or development team.
    Julien Fayad
    Sections serverless engine
    Sections serverless engine
    I love Elixir
    Dennis Zax
    @julien_fayad ^^. Amazing language, fp imo always looks the cleanest. Elixir looks good and also works very well in the industry unlike some of the more esoteric fp languages like Haskell. Currently using it for my product's backend and have had a really great experience!
    Julien Fayad
    Sections serverless engine
    Sections serverless engine
    @deds3t 100%, that's what's under the hood of my upcoming launch ;-) if you need some help from time to time to build on Elixir, let me know
    Dexter Awoyemi
    Rohalla Asadi
    has the most beautiful syntax is subjective and varies from person to person. Some people might find a particular programming language's syntax to be elegant and straightforward, while others might find it unnecessarily complex. Ultimately, the choice of programming language depends on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the programmer or development team.
    Johnny Price
    Subjective question, but for me, Python takes the cake. It enforces clean, readable code and reduces visual noise with its minimalistic syntax. Love it or hate it, it's got an elegance to it that makes coding almost poetic.
    Dávid Sipos
    Whitespace programming language, its so clean :D
    Himakar Reddy 🇮🇳🇨🇦
    To me it’s Typescript, Python and Golang
    Python for sure
    Dennis Zax
    Lisp-style languages... just look at how clean they look!
    fowobi czar
    Hands down, Python programming language for sure!
    Daniil Popenko
    For me, it's Swift. Maybe I'm inspired by Apple Devs' best coding practices, but it just looks so sleek!
    Fady Kheloui
    Python No {} No ; No Problem