If only i know for sure
But I try to unlock "bottlenecks"
1. Make sure that my webpage will work
— posted on LinkedIn and Twitter for a feedback
— asking customers for their thoughts
— plan to ask people who didn't see my product for a feedback interview
2. Getting testimonials and social proofs from users
3. Making sure product works for newcomers
asking people for interviews in exchange for 3m free to see how they start using product and what challenges do they have
4. Write insanely detailed PH comments to get connected with people who got tired from chatGPT empty-thought comments
5. Daily post on Li and twi to warm up and build audience
I am not sure that it will be enough but it will do better 100%
Launching your product successfully is like baking a cake - carefully mix your market research, sprinkle in some killer marketing, and don't forget to let it cool with customer feedback for the perfect outcome!