
What is the 1 important lesson you learnt as a founder?


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Ghost Kitty
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Cox Zhang
The founder is the no.1 person responsible for the sales and marketing of their products.
Abdal Yousef
An essential lesson I've learned as a founder is the power of quality work. It not only garners attention from those who value excellence but can also open unexpected doors. Never underestimate the ripple effect of doing things right.
Fei C.
The most import thing for a founder is regarding yourself as one of the team members, rather than a boss. Work closely with your team members and offer fresh insights to improve the working process. Additionally, listen to your employee's thoughts. That's how team-building plays a role in quality work.
@feichen_ very true Fei. This stands true for even working as a team leader. Think of yourself as the same worker as your team member and you will see what others think and how things can be made better.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
Schedule and plan things out
Figuring out how to acquire customers is equally as important as doing the technical coding work.
@jgani all the parts are important as shared by you Jonni.If one is good and other is not, it affects the performace.
Chris W
To keep your emotions stable so the highs don't get too high and the lows don't get too low. Then you can stay consistent and show up every day
Aris Nakos
Find simplicity and strike a balance between development and marketing
thinking more about long term goals than instant gratification.
Hossein Yazdi
Start taking payments right from the start.
@hosseinyazdi do clients like those exist? ;P
Nolan Wang
Don't overestimate what you can do in a day, don't underestimate what you can do in a month, year, many years. Oh and having a co-founder helps lol
@nolan_wang co founder relationship is like of husband and wife haha. Very important. And you shared golde words- never underestimate.
Anastasia Liamets
Background and experience is important, but the main skills for founders are persistency and resilience. You just have to be 1% better, learn every day and talk to right people. Entrepreneurship is like when you're pushing-pushing, and at some point the curve goes drastically up, in the most unexpected moment.
@anliamets cannot stress about the need for persistency and resilience. Not for everyone. You said it right Anastasia. Wishing you more success with milestone!
André J
There are no truisms that work all of the time
André J
@nikhil111 ITs all about context. No lesson works all of the time. Time changes, lesson is not valid anymore. As Bruce Lee famously said: "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle."
Do your own thing - you don't need to be part of the rat race if you are not relying on investor cash. With, you no longer need significant capital during the early stages.
@manojranaweera Completely agreed Manoj. Do not be part of rat race. Exploring more Looks pretty awesome!
Milli Sen
Make an impact. And income will flow.
Hussein Hashish
slow and steady wins the race and dont depend on a marketing agency to market your product
@hussein_hashish absolutely. Any specific reason you would like to share why not to depend on marketing agency Hussein? Love to know your thoughts.
Hussein Hashish
@nikhil111 sure! i learnt that no one is better suited to address and market the product than the founder. By communicating with the main target consumer persona, the founder gets to refine the messaging and gets the best version of the product extracted from those conversations. An agency would later help the founder scale the marketing activities and mostly help with strategy.
Ankur Sharma
Don't be afraid to ask for help!
Gurkaran Singh
As a founder, the most important lesson I've learned is the power of perseverance. The entrepreneurial journey is filled with ups and downs, but staying committed to your vision through the challenges is key to success. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the odds are against you!
@thestarkster you said it absolutely correct Gurkaran. Its filled with ups and down and the need to stay same is the most.