Hey Loane!
Went through 100+ books these past 2 years. They range from personal development, spirituality, marketing, entrepreneurship... Here are some of my favorites:
- The Kyballion
- Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
- Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
- 100M$ offers by Alex Hormozi
- The Lean Startup
- Zero to One
- Start with Why
- Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza
- The Four Agreements
- The Untethered Soul
- Trilogy Books from Russell Brunson
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Scientific Advertising
- Smarter, Faster, Better
Enjoy the reads !
I'd highly recommend "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries; it's a must-read that provides valuable insights on building a sustainable business model through continuous innovation and customer feedback. Another essential is "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel, which encourages thinking outside the box and emphasizes the importance of creating something new.
GTM Strategist by Maja Voje is a great read. I might be biased as I know her personally, but she's a terrific entrepreneur and an incredibly smart person.
I have quite some tips (also love reading! :) )
- $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi
- The Diary Of CEO by Steven Barlett
- The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
- No Rules Rules
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