
What book would you recommend to a young entrepreneur?


give me as much as you want because I love reading and learning

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Zaid Al Kazemi
Crossing The Chasm
Rayan Zeggari
Hey Loane! Went through 100+ books these past 2 years. They range from personal development, spirituality, marketing, entrepreneurship... Here are some of my favorites: - The Kyballion - Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz - Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland - 100M$ offers by Alex Hormozi - The Lean Startup - Zero to One - Start with Why - Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza - The Four Agreements - The Untethered Soul - Trilogy Books from Russell Brunson - Blue Ocean Strategy - Scientific Advertising - Smarter, Faster, Better Enjoy the reads !
Rayan Zeggari
@anliamets Oh yes it's a great one to read as a founder ! Check out some of the others and let me know what you think :)
Anastasia Liamets
@rayan_zeggari I also read blue ocean, smarter faster better, lean and zero to one — but start with why is my personal love haha
@rayan_zeggari thank you so much ! and its perfect time since im in England now ! in France we don't have this sadly
Rayan Zeggari
@ipaparazzo_app Yeah I'm french as well ! Bought a Kindle two years ago and that changed my lecture habits - would 100% recommend
Ethan Xu
I'd highly recommend "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries; it's a must-read that provides valuable insights on building a sustainable business model through continuous innovation and customer feedback. Another essential is "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel, which encourages thinking outside the box and emphasizes the importance of creating something new.
Roland Marlow
The Lean Startup $100 Startup Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Gianluca Cinellu
GTM Strategist by Maja Voje is a great read. I might be biased as I know her personally, but she's a terrific entrepreneur and an incredibly smart person.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Team of Teams (it will change your perspective on leadership - forever)
Marvin Mändle
The power of full engagement - Loehr / Schwartz. It's always important to take breaks especially in the startup environment, to act more productive.
Matej Cabadaj
I have quite some tips (also love reading! :) ) - $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi - The Diary Of CEO by Steven Barlett - The Lean Startup by Eric Ries - No Rules Rules
Shambhavi Mahajan
The Mom test