Sebastian Karges

What are your experiences with launching on a weekend day?


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Jon Wesselink
Launching soon!
The competition is low, but you also have to consider your audience if they're the type of people who hop on and support you on the weekend or not. Some people might be available but if you target government workers with productivity tools for example, it will be hard to get them going on the weekend. Maybe you can curve this with the kind of deal you are sharing for the product hunt campaign and if that is worth them jumping in. Do you have an email list you can reach out to and let them know on Friday to watch for the deal on Saturday?
Jon Wesselink
Launching soon!
@sebastian_karges Maybe try the 16 minute trick on Product Hunt. Plan for 12:16am, and take those minutes to see who else is launching at 12:00am. If its a huge company like Google, OpenAI, then postpone that day because they will get lots of attention :D
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
yea less of everything - less competition - less exposure - higher change or getting "product of the day" or ranking if that is what you're looking for but for visibility it feels significantly lower.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! Launching on a weekend can be a bit like throwing a surprise party - you never know who's going to show up! In my experience, weekends tend to have a more relaxed vibe online, with people scrolling through as they wind down. So, it can be a great opportunity to catch their attention with something new and exciting. Just make sure to time it right and grab those sleepy Saturday morning scrollers or Sunday evening browsers. Who knows, you might just spark some weekend warrior excitement for your product! Share your weekend launch stories - the good, the bad, and the surprising!'